Thursday, September 30, 2010

About the Blogger...

Hello Guys,

I am Ryan Mendoza, a computer enthusiast, but as you may know, I am not a graduate of any computer courses that we have in schools. I am just a computer hobbyist who want to explore more about computers. Actually, I am a graduate of Commerce. When I was college I don't know what course I'm going to take until I finished my degree. It is when I was working as a Transcriptionist got my passion in computers. The technical supports in my previous company really influenced me to learn more about computers. Since then, i hone my skills that I have right now. I am more into hardwares (basic troubleshooting skills). When there are things that I want to know or things that I encounter that I don't know when I am troubleshooting a computer, I research it and I don't stop until I found the answer for that. There are a lot of sites that can help you learn in today's computing and one of those is Just create an account there and browse on their forums, and poof, you'll gain knowledge. Or post a forum, ask what you want to learn or know, then there are a lot of helpful guys and gals out there who can help you out.


  1. i want more money thru computer... teach me how to hack

  2. wow!!impressive,i know you're smart.keep up the good works!don't forget to share your blessings.
